Photo Electronic Safety Sensor & Laser Line Marking System
- Easy Operation.
- Effortless Zigzag cutting of suiting, shirting, blended woolen, denim, furnishing, knitted and tyre cord fabrics.
- Fabric can be accurately aligned before cutting.
- A hand lever operated device with stopper is provided to get To and Fro motion of sliding table with calibration which guarantees the equal, accurate & high production of samples Ideal for cutting maximum fabric heap of 50mm and maximum 10 strokes per minute.
- To decide the location of cutting fabric, a RED BRIGHT optical LASER LINE MARKING SYSTEM is provided with machine. (Optional).
- Once press the green push button switch, the machine will stop automatically after cutting the fabric.
- The main body of-machine will be single piece, made from special steel casting, so as to get smooth & vibration free operation.
- Totally enclosed heavy duty type speed reduction gearbox provided to get efficient working of machine.
- Provided with adjustable screw arrangement with eccentric to get the blade position to maximum upward or downward.
- Machine will be completely covered and provided with safety guards.
- Models available in different blade size having 13″, 18″, 24″, 32″, 36″ and 48″.

RED Bright Optical Laser Line marking system to decide the location of cutting the fabric.

Hand Lever operated platform sliding system, to get easy, quick and accurate cutting of fabric Samples.

A calibrated scale bar,to measure the length of fabric to be cut.